Value Standpoint 价值立场
δ^13C value△ value δ^13C值或△值
background value and anomaly value 基准值、背景值与异常值
boundary value problem with conjugate value and sh 带位移带共轭的边值问题
boundary value problem with conjugate value and shift 永磁同步电动机; 带位移带共轭的边值问题
computable value with test value 计算值与试验值
Determination of Oxidation Value and Nitration Value 氧化值和硝化值测定
equal difference between an approximate value and the accurate value way 等误差法
heating value thermal value 积分时间常数
initial value-boundary value problem 初值-边值问题
maximum value and minimum value 最值
mean value to calculate the value of power 平均值计算热功率
the value of direct value added 直接价值增加值
the value of indirect value added 间接价值增加值
thermal value heating value 热值
value one's own old broom - cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own 敝帚自珍
Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Business Tax Act 加值型及非加值型营业税法
full contract value or full completed value 全部契约价值或全部完成价值
Total value mystery 催化
(Absolute) Value of Fuzzy Number 模糊数的绝对值